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The Little Green Church serves and helps those in need

10th Anniversary celebration
of the soup kitchen ministry
Now over 35,000 meals served to those in need of a good hot meal that we lovingly call "Food for the Soul"
Volunteers from our Little Green Church as well as surrounding communities help create and serve every Wednesday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm

The Little Green Church welcomes the little ones
Pastor Ron Leininger blesses and dedicates our new youth to Christ as the entire congregation promises to nourish, love and protect them as a member of God's family

prayer shawl ministry
The youth in the church join the pastor in the blessing of the prayer shawls. This ministry creates and delivers a congregation-made prayer shawl that will be wrapped around any person in our community or beyond with illnesses or simply in need of the reminder God's protection over them.
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